Friday, June 10, 2011

It ain't about how hard you hit

The visualization of the catfish is starting to feel far too passive for what I'm dealing with.  It is relaxing and meditative for sure, but it is starting to feel like I'm fighting a battle with the wrong weapon.  Wrong for me anyway.  I feel like I'm in a bit of a slump.  Not that I feel like I'm getting more sick, just that it feels like I'm settling into a rut of sorts, becoming complacent.  There is no time for complacency.  I feel like I need to be on my guard, and doing something to push back.  I've got an infinite amount of reasons to fight this thing, and I feel like I owe all of those reasons an earnest effort.

I decided today that I needed to watch some clips of Muhammad Ali.  Arguably the best boxer to ever live, he was also supremely confident in everything he did.  He didn't just beat his opponents in the ring, he started the fight before the boxing match even started.  He got in their heads.  He let them know just how great he was, and just how much he would punish them when the match did start.  That's what I need, I realized today.  I need to not only make this a physical fight, I need to make this a mental one too.  It's one thing to be optimistic, it's another entirely different thing to be confident.  I need to not only be fast, tough, and strong physically, I need to be that mentally, too.  I need to have the confidence, and beat this disease with my mind, not just my body.

I stumbled upon this (admittedly very cheesy) video while watching Muhammad Ali annihilate his opponents.  It's a video clip from the movie Snatch, set to some speeches that Muhammad Ali gave, as well as some quotes from one or some of the Rocky movies.  Some of my favorite lines from Muhammad Ali are:
    -"Only last week, I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalized a brick, I'm so mean I make  medicine sick"
    -"Let me tell you something you already know, the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, its a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.  You, me, or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life; but it ain't about how hard you hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward.  Thats how winning is done."

Here's the video:
Edit: I added the link to the video because the embedded video wasn't working on my iPod.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My mom emailed me, so I figured it's time to post

My mom emailed today to ask when I was going to post again, so I guess that means it has been a while.  There's lots to update, so hang on to your butts.

My family put on a benefit auction and chili dinner for me a few weeks ago.  It was a great day.  Unfortunately, I was a little under the weather with a toothache.  I want to apologize to those who came and I wasn't able to talk to, and to those I wasn't able to spend more time with.  There were so many people there, it was amazing.  Thanks to everyone who helped organize, donated to, and came to the benefit.  It was a lot of fun, and it meant a lot to see all of you.

Onto the issue of the tooth.  A few days after the benefit, I had to have two teeth extracted.  Holy poop.  The first day was pretty terrible, as far as pain goes, but after that, things were merely tender.  It did make eating a little tricky, which is something that I can't afford to be tricky at this point.  Luckily, things healed up pretty quick, and I was back to eating as normal by Friday.

Just in time for the Highland Festival!  I know that it's not everyone's bag, but I happen to enjoy it.  The only thing I don't like about the Highland Festival are the drivers.  I figured out the formula for driving in Alma, and that is, if the speed limit is 40 or above, you drive 30.  If the speed limit is below 40, you drive 20.  That rule held fast as I checker-boarded the slow drivers in mini-vans and pick-up trucks on Wright Ave.

I spent Saturday in my favorite way, and that is mozying about the parade route, catching up with people that I haven't seen in a while.  Also, eating a hot dog and an entire bag of cotton candy at 10 am, is pretty much one of the best things a person can do.  After the parade, we went to HB's Aunt and Uncle's house for the traditional cook-out, where I pigged out on more great food.  HB and I drove to the festival and walked around, catching up with friends, seeing the sites, and eating more food.  (Well, I did at least.)  I tried the infamous Irn-Bru for the first time.  It is terrible, and I would avoid it at all costs.  HB said it tastes like chewed up bubble gum from under a table.  I agree.

After a much needed nap, we ended the night at the beer tent.  I decided that since they had some good scotch, I would attempt to have my one occasional drink that I was told I could have.  I had a small sip of the scotch, just to savor things, and about 3 minutes later, I'm in the corner barfing.  It was not good.  I guess I can't drink anymore afterall.

After all of this excitement I slept all day Sunday.  And most of Monday.  And most of Tuesday.  It wore me out, but it was totally worth it.  I had a lot of fun (except for the barfing).

So that's a lot of news.  I've been trying to get things working in order to do some of these posts as video posts, but I ran out of time today.  Hopefully the next post will work out.  (and not be in a month)