So the last few weeks have been pretty OK. I managed to walk the dogs with HB twice this week. Usually I don't have the stamina to walk that far. They were both relatively short walks, under a mile, but I kept up, and it was really super nice to spend some time outside with HB with all of this beautiful weather we've been having. I've also had a pretty darned good appetite this week, which I think helps with the walking. The fluid hasn't seemed to have building up as quickly, which always makes me feel better.
I've had some problems with my catheter that I use to drain fluid from my abdomen. It looks like my body has had enough with it in its current position, so on the 19th the docs at U of M are going to be removing this one, and put a new one in, this time on the left side of my abdomen. Luckily, this surgery is a breeze, under an hour and outpatient.
Other than that, things have been on the quiet side lately, which is much better than the opposite. Hope you are all enjoying this great weather. Thanks for reading!
I'm really glad you've gotten to enjoy some beautiful weather and time outside with Heather and the doggies. So much love to you! -Jen